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Asthma and Bronchitis

Respiratory diseases make everyday life difficult. Since it affects your breathing your day to day activity totally gets disrupted. Asthma and Bronchitis are two major disorders caused by impairment in the respiratory track due to accumulation of mucus, infection etc.

Bronchitis is an infection caused due to swollen lining of the lungs. When the lining in the bronchial tubes become inflamed it obstructs breathing and leads to infection. Recurrence and severe episodes of breathlessness, tightness of chess, chronic cough and wheezing leads to Asthma.

The causes of these respiratory conditions include the following:

  • Allergic reaction due to a number of factors – perfumes, environmental factors, pollutants etc
  • Seasonal changes causing frequent cold, flu, cough and infection
  • Allergic reaction to food and drugs
  • Genetic and environmental reasons

In rare cases, psychological triggers like deep-seated emotional problems, insecurity, lack of parental care, and hereditary also causes asthma and Bronchitis. While this may appear as an outcome of impairment in the lungs or bronchial tubes, it begins from poor digestion, in Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Imbalance – Asthma and Bronchitis

Both asthma and bronchitis are categorized under the disorders caused by the Vata / Kapha imbalance.  Respiratory system is connected to Kapha dosha. Bronchitis and Asthma arise from the stomach, the place of Pitta dosha. These conditions are triggered by vitiation of Kapha and Vata, originating from the place of Pitta dosha e stomach.

Asthma is referred as Svasa Roga, which means disease in breathing. Also, Astham is referred as Tamaka Shawasa where it manifests in the lungs.  Accumulation of kapha moves to the lungs, respiratory track, throat etc. While Vata is dry, rough and mobile, Kapha is heavy, cold and unctuous.  The contrasting qualities join together and form thick deposts in the lungs, walls of the bronchi, respiratory tract and also leads to narrowing of the tract. As a result, it obstructs the passage and causes troubled breathing.

Charaka Samhita briefs that Asthma is as deadly many deadly diseases which can literally kill an individual. Asthma and hiccups can take away the life instantaneously.

Treatment Plan for Asthma and Bronchitis

Treatment for asthma and bronchitis generally focus on pacifying vata and kapha dosha.

Clearing the Ama blockage in the respiratory tract proves beneficial.

Diet and lifestyle changes has major share in treatments for Asthma and Bronchitis.

Diet plan involves nourishing fresh fruits and vegetables, steamed and boiled foods, and easily digestible foods. A big not to milk and milk products, which increases kapha. Also, dry foods, carbonated beverages, heavy oily foods and processed foods should be avoided.

Lifestyle changes include stress reduction, avoiding smoking or exposure to smoke, allergic perfumes, pollen grains, dust and fumes and all other triggers that aggravates your condition.

Ayurvedic medicines for Asthma and Bronchitis

In many cases, based on the diagnosis, administration of medicines becomes essential. Some of the prescription medicine includes the following:

  • Single herbs that are Anti-Vata and Anti-Kapha and mucolytic are helpful against Bronchial Asthma. The important ones are Basil / Tulalsi, Shireesha, Pushkaramoola, Liqorice, Ginger and Honey.
  • Combination Medicines includes ShireeshghanVati, Taleeshadi Powder, Tankana / Borax Powder, Shwasakuthara Rasa, Chyawanprashaetc are useful.
  • A selection of 1 or 2 single and combination medicines according to the patient’s age, diagnosis outcome, symptoms, associated medical conditions, lifestyle etc are provided.

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